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Of use in a sentence

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Sentence count:271+2Posted:2018-02-09Updated:2020-07-24
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211, This tool lets you compare up to three media sources, generating a list of the top ten most mentioned terms for that source and relative frequency of use for each term.
212, Depending on the type of use the rotors can be made as: standard stainless steel tri-lobes, stainless steel bi-lobes, action dual wing rotary piston, gears for models B100 and B105.
213, The right of use, the right of management, the right of profit that are the uncomplete rights are only part of rights of ownership.
214, Attach the WFI schematic including all the pint of use.
215, CrashMetrics ticks all the important boxes: a) accuracy, b) correct level of mathematics, c) understandability, d) robustness, e) flexibility, f) ease of use.
216, The Business Interruption Insurance provides compensation for loss of use of machinery breakdown , on gross profit.
217, To protect themselves, to disclose any information of use can improve the accuracy and make objective language more tactful language.
218, First, some local land-grant, the main site is a violation of planning, not a first instalment, the margin was out of use and ultra vires land, land without authority approval.
219, The definition of usability states that usability is a combination of five quality attributes, including learnability and efficiency of use.
220, The old car has been set aside and is out of use.
221, This paper stresses on the proper method of use and maintenance based on introduction of its composing and principle of the electronic-controlled power steering system on TOYOTA vehicle.
222, There has been a trend toward greater use of flexible sigmoidoscopy because of the ease of use and the fact that no general anesthesia is required.
223, This paper used sodium dehydroacetate on some fresh vegetable, inspected the microbiology and discussed the density and the lasting time of use.
224, My suggestion to Microsoft is this: fuse Windows Phone 7′s operating system with Office Live for a marriage of convenience, ease of use, and productivity.
225, With the increase of budget and funds for instruments and equipments in higher universities, the efficiency of use and management for instruments and equipments becomes more and more important.
226, Know a few cussword has some of use, when quarrelling at least, can help abreact, healthful.
227, Experts have seen that declining muscle isn't just an unpreventable fact of aging. In large part it's due to lack of use.
228, These algorithms are used during silence periods of speech to reduce ratio of transmission and improve ratio of use in signal channel. It's a best silence compression scheme for G. 729.
229, Develop, identify, and profile extensible standards and protocols to allow repositories, agents, and services to interoperate in the context of use and reuse of.
230, HOW: illustrate a character-rich story line describing the context of use for a product or service.
231, An inclinometer may be of use if you know the dish elevation offset angle.
232, This illustration also shows the steps recommended by RUP within the context of Use Case Analysis.
233, For ease of use, a default SQL script for creating a function is displayed initially in the function body.
234, Frequent demonstrations, a rich analysis phase,[ use.html] and involvement from our usability expert all contributed to the ease of use in the final system.
235, But sometimes you can upgrade real estate by building a more remunerative type as permitted , or by going to city hall to get the land rezoned for a higher type of use .
236, In order to use the different quality rainwater separately and decrease cost of use, we separate the RCR system into two parts: roof and ground.
237, Since it is used in different environment and with the discrepancy of product quality, the RTV coating used in different area has the problem of ageing and tenure of use.
238, Combining with the operational principle of air bearing equipment, the paper mainly talks about, from the aspect of use results, the applications of air bearing equipments.
239, The peak years of use for the Conestoga wagons were from 1820 to 1840.
240, The other is marriage contract in concept, as a kind of use in analogy, just for doctrinal analysis while the marriage parties in reality do not conclude contract.
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